Memorials as unique as the loved ones they honor

Since 1917, families have trusted Johnson Monument Company to create lasting memorials for their loved ones. Learn about your next steps and how to get started today.

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Public Works

Did you know Johnson Monument is also active in the public sector?  We have partnered with many municipalities, veterans’ organizations, colleges, churches, forest preserves, and park districts to provide commemorative and donor recognition pieces.  Visit our galleries to see just a few examples of our work.

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Here to Guide You Every Step of the Way

We understand that most people have never purchased a headstone before and are unsure where to begin.  Our memorial specialists will guide you through the granite selection and design process and will coordinate the carving, delivery, and installation of your memorial at the cemetery.  They will be your single point of contact, making the process simple and convenient.  For an overview of the headstone purchasing process, watch the short video below.

In-Cemetery Services

Services such as adding information to an existing memorial as well as cleaning and maintenance are performed on-site in the cemetery. Check out the services links below to learn more.

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On-Site Engraving

Adding an inscription to an existing memorial, like a name or date of death, can be done right in the cemetery.

"Just a few words of extended thanks for the marvelous service, warm expression of kindness and patience. I knew I would be pleased, but my daughter's memorial is much more beautiful than I imagined. Now when I visit my daughter's memorial, I receive a little more comfort and peace."

S. Patterson,